01 Joan Baez " Sesiniz her yerde duyuldu." - Alexander Turnquist - Finding The Butterfly
02 Matt Keating - The Sound of Summer Days
03 Marvelry Skimmer - Dunebuggy
04 Francesco Paolo Addati and Efisio Nicolò Sabiucciu - Rain
05 First Rebirth - Last Runaway
06 Lezet - Kids 3
07 Noise Avoider
08 Goodbye Kumiko - Bicycle Waltz
09 Amitron 7 - The Barry Chuckle Intense Funland Experience
10 Keith Fullerton Whitman - Automatic Drums With Melody
11 Spinningmerkaba - Inspire Me Forever (Secret Anomaly Jonez Mix)
12 Duke Hugh - Sweet and Lowdown
13 Matt Keating - The Sound of Summer Days